click for more details Rizwan Beyg the fashion designer took the attention of the viewers on The Milan Fashion Week 2010 which was arranged for the Milano Moda Donna (women’s) Spring/Summer 2010 season, organized by Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana. Rizwan Beyg at Milan Fashion Week 2010 amazed the audience, as it was representing Pakistani culture. In fact, the Pakistani designers selected the theme of having tradition touch on their designed outfits at Milan Fashion Week 2010 . Fashion designer Rizwan Beyg is considered as an expert in playing with the colors and in creating combinations, especially in black & white. This time at Milan Fashion Week 2010 , the designed Fashion anthology of Rizwan Beyg was mostly in white colors; and it was the perfect amalgamation of both eastern and western layouts.
salaam...plxx design something relating to lukx really nice add me on msn or fb my id on msn is and em on fb wd pWincexX Tooba...i hav a pro pic ax well...itx me wd pink dress plxx add me my mom ix a type of fashion designer she designs clothes n send it 2 america 2 her sis n den she put exibition in ramazan n sell it over dere n after gettng money she send it 2 my mom in pak plus she takes some profit wd i want u 2 send me d pics of ur nice dresses so dat my mom could see n could cordinate wd u...